Grand piano & upright piano keyboards


    We specialize in the  manufacturing of original small series and original prototypes created individually according to the detailed parametres of our clients. Due to the individual approach to each keyboard there is no limit of the keyboard range.

Renovation and repair:

- restoration of sharps and key layouts
- scarlet cloth replacement
- complete felt renovation
- pins replacement
- polishing and purification of old keyboard´s parts
- manufacturing and repair of damaged keys
- ivory restoration

Basf key overlays & sharps

Key overlays and sharps are made from durable polymer BASF.

Natural key overlays & sharps

The combination of unique texture of ivory key overlays and ebony sharps.


Standard technical parameters of BASF, ivory, bone and ebony components.

For detailed drawing of keyboard you can use prearranged drawing which are avaliable in the section "Download".